Alexander Innovation Zone
We strengthen and promote innovative activities in the wider area of Thessaloniki with emphasis on purposes of public interest.
LEARN MOREOK! Thess Incubator
Management of the OK! Thess Incubator.
Our vision
Promoting the greater Thessaloniki area as an innovation-friendly destination through the creation of high value and specialized jobs which will change the economic profile of the Region and contribute to increasing the country’s competitiveness.
Creating a sustainable and strong innovation ecosystem
Creating new jobs
Attracting R&D Hubs
Attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Extending the scope of existing innovative businesses
Mediation and intermediation.
Facilitating the establishment of new innovative businesses
Support services for Startups
Training activities
Facilitating access to innovative sources of funding
R&D enhancement
Hosting of R&D Businesses
Fostering research synergies
Our Event Spaces
Read our news!
To Horizon Europe Flex2Energy Project ( στο οποίο συμμετέχουν 17 εταίροι από ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη με συντονίστρια την Ελληνική εταιρεία ΟΕΤ (με έδρα την Θεσσαλονίκη) δημιουργεί για πρώτη φορά εργοστάσιο μαζικής…
Alexander Innovation Zone (AIZ) is proud to co-organize, once again, the AI and Beers event in collaboration with the EIT AI Community and the AI and Beers Community. We invite…
Meet and greet the German startups participating at the 88th TIF Friday, 13 September 2024, 10:00 – 12:00, Alexander Innovation Zone - Thessaloniki In the frame of Digital Hub Initiative's participation in the…
”Thessaloniki is … INnovation Friendly