Erasmus+ pArtneRship foR AddressiNG mEgatrends in ICT [ARRANGE-ICT]

KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Knowledge Alliances

Alexander Innovation Zone participated (09/2018-11/2021) as a Partner in the Erasmus + programme (ARRANGE-ICT ) in cooperation with partners from 3 countries Greece, Bulgaria and Cyprus.

Project goal


pArtneRship foR AddressiNG mEgatrends in ICT | ARRANGE-ICT 

The project aimed to connect universities, entrepreneurship and industry, in order to identify the capabilities and needs of the professional profile in the labor market, provide innovative solutions to the skills mismatch and promote sustainable business opportunities between university and the labor market.

Project Outcome

Foresight Study

Alexander Innovation Zone undertook the realization of the Foresight Study of the project. The full report is a Perspective Study on ICT mega-trends with the aim of revealing the current ICT skills gap in industry and academia trends.

“Output 03.
All participating organizations contributed to the study (except from SEERC which reviews)”

AIZ LeadsAnalysing Information, Performing Survey, Authoring Report
More information about ARRANGE-ICT can be found at the project’s Website
