This year, once again, the European Robotics Forum (ERF) hands out the award of best robotic start-up in Europe – the ERF Entrepreneurship Prize.

Entrants in the competition will get a chance to participate in the ERF event, and the three Entrepreneurship Prize finalists will gain the opportunity to present their projects in an open ERF workshop in front of leading European experts in entrepreneurship in the robotic business.

Among these three, a winner will be announced, which can take additional advantage of ERF official promotion as the Entrepreneurship Prize 2019 winner, and who can use this title in their own marketing. You can read more about the competition and how to sign up here:


This year, ERF will be held in Bucharest, Romania on the 20th to 22ndof March.

ERF is Europe’s leading meeting place for robot innovation, and is expected to attract about 1.000 participating robotic experts this year. You can read more about ERF here: